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General rules & Regulations

Being a part of the Upward Bound Program is a privilege. Knowing this, students should feel a sense of pride to be a participant of the program. Participating in the Upward Bound Program and visiting Sinclair Community College may be a new experience for you. It is necessary to provide guidelines and standards for you to follow to create the best environment for learning. These rules and standards will help all to have an opportunity to succeed in the program and will help ensure a safe and productive experience.


We expect, during all program-related activities and events, that Upward Bound students exhibit positive behaviors by acting maturely and being attentive, demonstrating respectful, responsible and reasonable behaviors.

respect others

This means caring for or valuing the other person.  Each of us – staff and students – is unique and valuable and should be responded to and treated with respect. Students are expected to be courteous and respectful of staff, peers, chaperones and guest  speakers at all times. Refrain from gossiping about or degrading others. Follow program guidelines and procedures as described by classroom instructors/tutors.

  • Inattentiveness (particularly to those in authority (staff, instructors, tutors, college officials and staff) is unacceptable behavior and may result in disciplinary action or suspension.

offensive behavior

Swearing, cursing or any other offensive behavior is inappropriate; Verbal abuse of any kind (e.g., profanity-cursing, swearing-, offensive language, racial slurs, body-shaming, horseplay, threats, bullying) toward Upward Bound program staff, college employees, program participants, field- trip chaperones or other individuals will not be tolerated. Any confirmed violation may result in disciplinary action or dismissal from the program.


Harassment (including hazing which is a criminal offense), fighting, gang involvement or intimidation of any kind; sexual misconduct or sexual harassment is prohibited toward Upward Bound program staff, college employees, program participants, field- trip chaperones or other individuals. Any confirmed violation may result in disciplinary action or dismissal from the program.

public display of affection

No public display of affection, which includes hugging, kissing, sitting on laps, holding hands, etc. DO NOT USE UPWARD BOUND as a couples’ meeting place, even if you are dating outside of the program.

weapons and firearms

The use of/or possession of fireworks, firearms, explosives or weapons of any type are strictly prohibited. Students who do not adhere to this policy will be dismissed from the program.

drugs and alcohol

No alcoholic beverages or drugs are to be consumed or possessed by any student on or off campus at any time during the program. No student is to enter the campus under the influence of alcohol or drugs. The use of alcohol, cigarettes, controlled substances/drugs, and drug-related items is not  permitted.  

  • Using, selling, distributing or exchanging alcohol, drugs, counterfeit drugs, fighting and participating in other misconduct that is prohibited by Federal or Ohio State Laws.  These behaviors will result in immediate dismissal from the program.

cell Phone and personal technology use

The use of cell phones and personal technology is prohibited during classroom or lab experiences unless instructed to access learning sites/activities. No receiving or sending TEXT messages during sessions. Phone should be on vibrate or silent and not visible. If there is an emergency, please consult classroom instructors or staff.

respect property

Vandalism and theft/removal of college property and the personal property of others will not be tolerated. 

Computer and internet use

The use of the Internet and Sinclair computers/lab equipment is a privilege, and should be used for Sinclair Upward Bound purposes only.  Students who use computers for other purposes may be asked to leave the program. Some prohibited uses are placing unlawful information, computer viruses or harmful programs on the computer systems in either public or private messages; accessing, transmitting, or downloading materials which are chat rooms, unauthorized blogs; pornographic, vulgar, obscene, or defamatory material; illegal, plagiarized, or documents in violation of the copyright laws; potentially harmful materials (bomb-building, explosive manufacturing, etc.); malicious use of the network through hate mail, harassment, profanity, vulgar statements or discriminatory remarks; or content inconsistent with Sinclair or Upward Bound policies, guidelines, or codes of conduct.

field trips and overnight trips

Participants must be chaperoned by a staff member or designated adult volunteer chaperone at all times during field trips. 


During trips requiring overnight accommodations, program staff will have the authority to conduct room checks as often as necessary. Participants will not be permitted to leave their rooms after the established curfew, nor occupy the rooms of the opposite sex. Every student will have their own bed, but will be assigned a participant to share a room.


Friends, siblings, or other non-related guests are not permitted to attend sessions with students. If they are eligible, encourage them to join.

If a violation occurs...

A violation of the Rules and Regulations will cause the loss of daily participation and behavior and possibly academic points, causing stipend dollars to be reduced significantly and/or result in one or more of the following disciplinary actions, based on severity and frequency:  

  • Verbal and/or written warning to the student.  Parents/guardians will be contacted and notified of the behavior.  If necessary, the participant will be sent home, with parents/guardians being notified.

  • Temporary or permanent loss of field-trip privileges.  

  •  Temporary suspension or permanent dismissal from the Upward Bound Program.  

  •  If necessary, a report will be filed with Sinclair College Police Department. 


Upward Bound is not a disciplinary or rehabilitative program. Participants, who demonstrate serious emotional or psychological issues, will be referred to an appropriate agency or organization for consultation, support or treatment. Participants and their parents or guardians will be held financially responsible for any damages or loss of property incurred by the Upward Bound Program and Sinclair Community College as a result of the participants’ inappropriate behavior.


Sinclair’s TRIO Upward Bound program is a pre-college program of Sinclair Community College, funded by a Federal TRIO grant from the U.S. Department of Education. Upward Bound provides, at no cost to the student or family, academic, career, personal, and financial counseling, academic advising and holistic support to targeted students in grades 9-12 to help empower them to graduate from high school and successfully pursue and complete postsecondary education.


Students are not required to bring money or other valuables to campus. Sinclair Community College, The Upward Bound Program and Staff are not liable for the loss of money, personal property and other valuables.  Take extra precaution with your valuables while you are on campus participating in activities or on field trips. If you are a victim of theft while at Sinclair, please file a theft report through the Campus Police Office, (937) 512-2700, located in building 7, first floor.  Also, inform the Upward Bound office. Note:  Neither the College nor Upward Bound carries insurance on students or their property.  You are encouraged to review your parents’ homeowner’s policy for coverage or carry your own insurance. 

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